Europe | Author | Call Number |
Beginner’s Guide To Germanic Genealogy | Edwards, Lois Hemmater | 929. 1 EDW |
Clans And Families Of Ireland : The Heritage and Heraldry of Irish Clans and Families | Grenham, John | 929. 42 GRE |
Clans And Tartans Of Scotland, The | Bain, Robert | 929. 2 BAI |
Collins Guide To Scots Kith & Kin : A Guide To The Clans & Surnames Of Scotland | 929. 42 COL |
Collins Scottish Clan & Family Encyclopedia | Way, George | 929. 2 WAY |
Complete Book Of Emigrants, The : 1700-1750 | Coldham, Peter Wilson | 973. 004 COL |
Complete Book Of Emigrants, The : 1751-1776 | Coldham, Peter Wilson | 973. 004 COL |
Cradled In Sweden | Johansson, Carl-Erik | 948. 5 JOH |
Deutsch-fremdsprachiges (fremdsprachig-deutschs) Ortsnamenverzeichnis : German name-change gazetteer | 914. 003 DEU |
Dictionary Of Irish Family Names, The | Grehan, Ida. | 929. 420 GRE |
Directory of Irish Family History Research | 929. 107 DIR |
Directory of Scottish Ancestors 1996 | 941 DIR | |
Domesday Book, The : England’s Heritage, Then and Now | 333. 322 DOM |
East Stirlingshire Monumental Inscriptions pre 1855 | Mitchell, J. Fowler | 929. 509 MIT |
Families Directly Descended from All The Royal Families in Europe (495 To 1932) and Mayflower Descendants | Rixford, Elizabeth M. Leach | 929. 7 RIX |
First German Lessons – Based On Gerstacker’s Germelshausen | Coar, John Firman | 430. 0 COA |
German Census Records, 1816-1916 : The When, Where, And How Of A Valuable Genealogical Resource | Minert, Roger P. | 929. 109 MIN |
German Through Pictures, Book 1 | Richards,I.A. | 430. 0 RIC |
Glenarm A Local History | McKillop, Felix | 941. 616 MCK |
Glencloy A Local History including Carnlough | McKillop, Felix | 941. 61 MCK |
Guest Children, The : The Story Of The British Child Evacuees Sent To Canada During World War II | Bilson, Geoffrey | 940. 531 BIL |
Guide To Tracing Your Cork Ancestors, A | McCarthy, Tony | 929. 107 MCC |
Ireland:1841-1851 Census Abstracts : Northern Ireland | Masterson, Josephine | 929. 341 MAS |
London’s Bawdy Courts, 1703-1713 : Consistory Court of London, Index to Cases and Depositions (with birthplaces) | Webb, Cliff | 942 LON v.1 |
Monuments And Monumental Inscriptions In Scotland | Rogers, Charles | |
Naming Names : Who, What, Where in Ireland | Share, Bernard. | 910. 014 SHA |
New Genealogical Atlas of Ireland, A | Mitchell, Brian | 929. 341 MIT |
Norwegians in America, their History and Record : A translated version of the 1907 and 1913 Nordmandene i Amerika, deres Historie og Rekord | Ulvestad, Martin | 948. 1 ULV v.2 |
Norwegians in America, their History and Record : A translated version of the 1907 and 1913 Nordmandene i Amerika, deres Historie og Rekord | Ulvestad, Martin | 948. 1 ULV v.3 |
Norwegians in America, their History and Record : A translated version of the 1907 and 1913 Nordmandene i Amerika, deres Historie og Rekord | Ulvestad, Martin | 948. 1 ULV v.1 |
Parishes, Registers & Registrars Of Scotland., The | 929.341 PAR |
Passengers From Ireland : Lists Of Passengers Arriving At American Ports Between 1811 And 1817 | Schlegel, Donald M. | 929. 107 SCH |
Pedigrees of Some of the Emperor Charlemagne’s Descendants | Redlich, Marcellus Donald Alexander von | 929. 2 PED v.I |
Pedigrees of Some of the Emperor Charlemagne’s Descendants | Buck, J Orton | 929. 2 PED v.III |
Pedigrees of Some of the Emperor Charlemagne’s Descendants | Langston, Aileen Lewers | 929. 2 PED v.II |
Plantagenet Roll Of The Blood Royal, The : Being A Complete Table Of All The Descendants Now Living Of Edward III, King Of England. Containing The Descendants Of Isabel (Plantagenet) Countess Of Essex And Eu, With A Supplement To The Three Pre | Ruvigny et Raineval, Melville Henry Massue , marquis de | 929. 72 RUV |
Pocket Guide to Irish Place Names | Joyce, P.W. | 914. 15 JOY |
Polish Genealogy 4 Steps to Success | Stephen, Szabados | 929. 1 SZA |
Pre 1855 Gravestone Inscriptions : An Index for Kincardineshire (The Mearns) | 929. 509 PRE |
Pre-1855 Tombstone : Inscriptions In Sutherland Burial Grounds | 929. 509 PRE |
Registers of Blackrod 1701-1837, The | 929. 34 REG v.160 |
Roxburgh : Roxburghshire Monumental Inscriptions IX | 929. 5 ROX | |
Schreib=Lese=Fibel mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Lautier methode | 430. 0 SCH | |
Scotch Irish Pioneers in Ulster & America | Bolton, Charles | 929. 341 BOL |
Scotch-Irish, The : Two Volumes in One | Hanna, Charles A. | 929. 341 HAN |
Scottish Place Names | MacKay, George | 910. 3 MAC |
Scottish Soldiers in Colonial America | Dobson, David | 929. 341 DOB |
Scottish Soldiers in Continental Europe | Dobson, David | 929. 341 DOB |
Scottish Surnames & Families | Whyte, Donald | 929. 2 WHY |
Secrets of the Domesday Book | 333. 322 SEC |
St. Ailbe’s Heritage : A Guide to the History, Genealogy & Towns of the Archdiocese of Cashel & Emly | 941. 92 ST. | |
Stichill & Hume : Roxburghshire Monumental Inscriptions XIII | 929. 5 STI | |
Surnames of Ireland, The | MacLysaght, Edward | 929. 420 MAC |
Tracing you Limerick Ancestors | Margaret, Franklin | 929. 107 FRA |
Tracing Your Scottish Ancestry | Cory, Kathleen | 929. 107 COR |
Ukrainian Genealogy : A Beginner’s Guide | Pihach, John D. | 929. 107 PIH |
Ulster Emigration To Colonial America, 1718-1775 | Dickson, R. J. | 325. 241 DIC |
West Stirlingshire Monumental Inscriptions pre 1855 | Mitchell, J. Fowler | 929. 509 MIT |