Our library serves as a valuable resource for our members and our community as a whole! We invite you to browse through our list of books and contact us if you have any questions!
Become a member today to gain even more access to our extensive library and other helpful resources!
While the MHDGS library has a number of good resources for many different areas, our main focus for this web page will be the resources we have to help people researching in our area. If you are from our area, we invite you to join our branch, and as a branch member you can borrow books from our library.
Non members can browse our library when it is staffed by a branch member, but cannot borrow books. If you are not from our area, but have family that came from this area, we can do lookups for a fee and will do our best to help you with your research.
In addition, we have in our library a computer with an Internet connection and microfilm readers for the use of our members.
More helpful resources can be found at the following places
The Shortgrass Library System of south-eastern Alberta has a large collection of genealogical material.
Medicine Hat Esplanade and Archives is another source of genealogical information.
Library Holdings
We have an extensive list of books and records available! Choose from the categories below to view our available books