Manitoba | Author | Call Number |
And They Built an Alter : The History and Heritage of the Brokenhead Lutheran Community | 284. 171 AND |
Bergthal Gemeinde Buch (The East Reserve Historical Series) | 971. 27 BER v.2 |
Between Mountain And Lake : A History Of Ochre River Rural Municipality, 1885- 1970 | Ochre River Women’s Institute, History Committee | 971. 27 OCH |
Beyond Third Crossing | 971. 273 BEY |
Binscarth Memories | 971. 273 BIN |
Bridging the Years : Griswald Centennial Booklet 1867-1967 | Griswold United Church Women | 971. 273 GRI |
Brookside Cemetery, Winnipeg : A Celebration of Life…1878-2003 | 971. 274 BRO v.1 |
Brookside Cemetery,Winnipeg : A Celebration Of Life 1878-2004 | 971. 274 BRO v.2 |
Carberry Plains : Century One 1882-1982 | 971. 273 CAR |
Carberry Plains, The : 75 Years of Progress | 971. 27 CAR |
Carved in Stone : Manitoba Cemeteries and Burial Sites | 929. 509 CAR |
Cemetery Transcription Listing : Manitoba 1990 and 1996 | 929. 509 CEM |
Diaspora In The Countryside : Two Mennonite Communities And Mid-Twentieth- Century Rural Disjuncture | Loewen, Royden | 304. 808 LOE |
Echoes of a Century : Douglas Centennial 1882-1982 | 971. 273 ECH |
Family Trees and Rural Roots : A History of Forrest and District | 971. 273 FAM |
First Century Of Langford 1891-1991 | Langford Centennial History Committee | 971. 273 FIR |
Gladstone Then and Now 1871-2001 | 971. 273 GLA |
Golden Memories : Steele Bridge, Woodside, Golden Stream, Palestine | 971. 273 GOL |
Harte Happenings : A Dedication to Our Community | 971. 273 HAR |
Historical Sketches of The East Reserve 1874-1910 (The East Reserve Historical Series) | 971. 27 HIS v.3 |
Homesteaders and Homemakers : A History of Elton Municipality in its First Century | 971. 273 HOM |
In Search of Utopia : The Mennonites in Manitoba | Francis, Dr.E. K. | 971. 27 FRA |
Index of Marriage and Death Notices From Manitoba Newspapers, An : 1882-1884 | Manitoba Genealogical Society | 929. 371 IND v.2 |
Index of Marriage and Death Notices From Manitoba Newspapers, An : 1885 | Manitoba Genealogical Society | 929. 371 IND v.3 |
Index of Marriage and Death Notices From Manitoba Newspapers, An : 1886 | Manitoba Genealogical Society | 929. 371 IND v.4 |
Index To The 1901 Census Of Manitoba : For the City of Brandon | South West Branch, MGS | 929. 371 IND |
Index To The 1901 Census Of Manitoba : For the Rural Municipality of Arthur | South West Branch, MGS | 929. 371 IND |
Index To The 1901 Census Of Manitoba : For the Rural Municipality of North Cypress & the Village of Carberry | South West Branch, MGS | 929. 371 IND |
Index To The 1901 Census Of Manitoba : For the Rural Municipality of Elton | South West Branch, MGS | 929. 371 IND |
Index To The 1901 Census Of Manitoba : For the Rural Municipality of South Cypress | South West Branch, MGS | 929. 371 IND |
Index To The 1901 Census Of Manitoba : For the Rural Municipality of Cornwallis | South West Branch, MGS | 929. 371 IND |
Index To The 1901 Census Of Manitoba : For the Rural Municipality of Oakland | South West Branch, MGS | 929. 371 IND |
Living Gold : A History of the Rural Municipality of Roland, Manitoba 1876-1976 | 971. 273 MUL |
Madford Cemetery Douglas, Manitoba | Legare, Denise | 929. 371 MAD |
MPC Flashbacks : Meleb-Park-Cumming School District | Yanchyshyn, Anne C. | 971. 272 MPC |
Municipal Memories : Municipality of Cornwallis 1884-1984 | 971. 273 MUN |
People of the Big Plain, The : Carberry & North Cypress 1882-2007 | 971. 273 PEO |
Pioneer Profiles : Ukrainian Settlers In Manitoba | Ewanchuk, Michael | 971. 27 EWA |
Place Names Of Manitoba | Ham, Penny | 917. 127 HAM |
Point and Beyond, The : Arnes & District 1876-1990 | Arnes History Book Committee | 971. 272 POI |
Quest in Roots : History of Brookdale School District | 971. 273 QUE |
Sommerfeld Gemeinde Buch : Registers of the Church at West Lynne 1881-1935 (The West Reserve Historical Series) | 929. 371 SOM |
Spruce, Swamp And Stone : A History of the Pioneer Ukrainian Settlements in the Gimli Area | Ewanchuk, Michael | 971. 27 EWA |
Statement Respecting The Earl of Selkirk’s Settlement upon the Red River in North America : Its Destruction in 1815 and 1816; and the massacre of Governor Semple and his party (Coles Canadiana Collection) | 971. 270 STA |
Wellwood Then and Now : 1983 Centennial | 971. 2 WEL | |
Working Papers of the East Reserve Village Histories 1874-1910 (The East Reserve Historical Series) | 971. 27 WOR v.1 |